Leading the digitalization of the power industry


Semiconductor solid control relay

  • Semiconductor Solid Control Relay KIT for 25.8kV GIS

    Semiconductor Solid Control Relay KIT for 25.8kV GIS (YSSR-0230)

    It is a hybrid product that combines power semiconductor device and sealed-type relay by converting the LCP (Local Control Panel) function of 25.8kV GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) into a high-speed PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). The kit has improved upon the disadvantages of auxiliary relay used in existing gas insulated switchgears.

    Catalog Inquiry

  • 345kV.154kV Digital Interlock Module Device

    345kV.154kV Digital Interlock Module Device (YSIM-2250M)

    A hybrid type device that combines a power semiconductor device and a sealed-type relay by converting the controller of the 154/345kV ILC (Interlock) panel into a high-speed PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). A logic product of keep-type relay.

    Catalog Inquiry

  • Semiconductor-typed Control Relay

    Semiconductor-typed Control Relay (YSDR-3050P)

    As a multifunctional auxiliary relay, it is a non-heating structure that uses instantaneous excitation by the usual method of existing auxiliary relay. It maximizes user convenience such as selection of monitoring power (AC, DC) and contact composition (‘4a’, ‘2a2b’, and ‘4b’) and time delay using the front select switch.

    Catalog Inquiry


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