Leading the digitalization of the power industry


Automatic voltage regulator

  • Automatic Voltage Regulator

    Automatic Voltage Regulator (YVC-03)

    It is Automatic voltage regulator for driving OLTC (On Load Tap Changer). It maintains proper voltage using LDC (Line Drop Compensator) and Z-compensation function considering load characteristics. Tap adjustment device with built-in DVM (Digital Voltmeter) function allows effective voltage control upon sudden load change.

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  • Automatic Voltage Regulator for parallel operation

    Automatic Voltage Regulator for parallel operation (YVC-03P)

    It is Automatic voltage regulator for driving OLTC (On Load Tap Changer). It maintains proper voltage using LDC (Line Drop Compensator) and Z-compensation function considering load characteristics. The OLTC can operate between up to eight transformers in parallel without additional equipment.

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  • Smart Automatic Voltage Regulator for Parallel Operation

    Smart Automatic Voltage Regulator for Parallel Operation (YSVC-2110A)

    It is Automatic voltage regulator for OLTC (On Load Tap Changer,) drive, which allows voltage control according to load characteristics. Up to 8 transformers can be operated in parallel without additional equipment. With IEC 61850 communication function, it is suitable for digital substation.

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