Leading the digitalization of the power industry


Digital Protection Relay

Capacitor Protection Relay

  • Capacitor Protection Relay

Capacitor Protection Relay (YSCR-3150)

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Product Details

A relay used to measure and protect capacitance by measuring harmonic wave, and the energized status of capacitors in low-voltage and high-voltage distribution panels.


  • • Real-time capacitor monitoring
  • • Real-time harmonic wave monitoring and analysis
  • • Capacitor monitoring regardless of voltage levels
  • • Alarm and trip when capacitor is abnormal
  • • Capacitor monitoring regardless of internal connection type


이메일 무단수집 거부

(주)유성계전은 「정보통신망 이용촉진
및 정보보호 등에 관한 법률(이하
'정보통신망법'이라 합니다)」 및 「개인
정보보호법」을 준수하며, 개인정보의
무단수집을 금지하고 있습니다.

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